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Blach Library:  "Search Starter" Links for our
    Science Classes

     General Science Resources

Web Periodic Table of the Elements
Very thorough and easy to use Periodic Table of the Elements. Just keep clicking for more and more information on your favorite elements! From England.
Perodic Table of Comics
From the University of Kentucky, the Periodic Table of the Elements is presented through comic book characters.
Periodic Tables of the Elements
          Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Visual Periodic Table of Elements

Very cool table of the elements from the Royal Socitey of Chemistry.

The Why Files?
Find out about the background behind science stories that make it to the daily news.
Science Daily
Links to the latest research and discovery stories in the various fields of Science. Allows searching of the collection.
The Scientist: News Journal of the Life Scientist
Full-text news articles on subjects related to Life Science are available here. Provides searching and back issues.
African Americans in the Sciences
Profiled here are African American men and women who have contributed to the advancement of science and engineering, includes chemists, biologists, inventors, engineers, and mathematicians; we can see how the efforts of individuals have advanced human understanding in the world around us.
History of Science, Technology and Medicine
This Web resource keeps track of information facilities in the field of the history of science, technology and medicine.
Yahoo: Science Resources
The Yahoo Compendium of Science Resources on the Internet.

 Biological and Medical Science Resources

A Modern Herbal
Online version of a 1931 book about herbs, their uses and qualities. Includes lots of background information, including botanical name, family, habitat, and uses.
Hardin Meta Directory of Internet Health Sources
This gateway is managed by the Hardin Hospital at the Uiversity of Iowa. They "list the sites that list the sites" ... pages have pointers to the most complete and frequently cited lists in each subject.
Onco-Link: Cancer Information
A resource center for information about Cancer. Includes an excellent compilation of newsletter articles on topics of current interest in the health-medicine areas.
New York Online Access to Health
Practical information related to medical and general health matters. Information given in both Spanish and English languages.
Centers for Disease Control
Lots of information about disease and health from this government agency. Includes these sections: Diseases , Health Risks , Prevention Guidelines and Strategies, Travelers' Health, and more.
Yahoo! Health: Medicine
Links to lots of Internet resources related to medicine and diseases.
Marine Biological Lab
The Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) was established in 1888, devoted to research and education in basic biology. Lewis Thomas, author of The Lives of a Cell, has called the MBL "the uniquely national center for biology in this country." Scientists and students throughout the world come to the MBL to conduct research, teach, study, and collaborate with other scientists.
A Gene Map of the Human Genome
Human genes mapped here. Images have been chosen to illustrate the myriad aspects of human biology, pathology, and relationships with other organisms that can be revealed by analysis of genes and their protein products.

    Physical Science: Astronomical Resources

The Nine Planets
This is a multimedia tour of the solar system with text, pictures, sounds and an occasional movie. Each of the planets and major moons in our solar system is briefly described and illustrated with pictures from NASA spacecraft. With a few clicks, you can see images that only a few decades ago could only be dreamed.
Planetary Sciences
If you enjoyed your visit to the Nine Planets (above), you will also like to visit the National Space Science Data Center, with its vast amount of information (including immages) related to the U.S. Space Program. Organized according to subjects covered, including space mission projects, planets and satellites, etc.
International Space Station
NASA has produced this website to allow the public to stay up with the development of the International Space Station, which is scheduled to be started in 1998. Includes lots of pictures, plans and other information.
Hotlist: Space Science
A large collection of links to Internet resources related to Space Science and Astronomy.
Cosmos & Chronos
A site dedicated to examining the theories of Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky, who believed that earth's history includes catastrophic changes that alter the polar axis, and which also affected the nature of life on the planet. (He also offers a new understanding of evolution that conflicts with Darwinian theory.)
SETI Institute
Information about scientific research in the general field of Life in the Universe with an emphasis on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). " I think the SETI enterprise can best be understood as a kind of exercise in the archeology of the future." Physicist and philosopher Philip Morrison, MIT.
A chance to move a space station and view it in 3D. "The Acme Space Station Corp. is pleased to announce the new top-of-the-line models in its fleet of Galactica-class space stations. The Interplanetary Metroplex models provide the ultimate in comfort, security, and convenience for up to 175 million residents."

    Physical Science: Earth Science Resources

Virtual Earthquake
Virtual Earthquake is an interactive Web-based program designed to introduce you to the concepts of how an earthquake EPICENTER is located and how the RICHTER MAGNITUDE of an earthquake is determined.
Cascades Volcano Observatory
A great place top start your exploratrions about volcanos. Has lots of information freely available.
Geosciences (IEIS)
This server is a prototype Integrated Earth Information Server (IEIS, as in eyes on the globe). It is built on the infrastructure provided by the nation-wide Unidata Internet Data Distribution (IDD) network, in which participating universities are establishing information servers containing a range of earth-related data.
Volcano World
A colorful, exciting source for information about volcano science. Includes lots of pictures of volcanos--Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Rainier, Yellowstone Park, Devil's Tower-- and even Mt. Lassen.
John Muir (Environment)
Huge environmantal database and information on the famous explorer and pioneering naturalist, John Muir.
PLANTS: Plant Database Search
Search this database for common and scientific names of plants and data about them.
Horticulture Solutions
Lots of information about trees and plants: Flowers, Fruits, Houseplants, Pests, soils and fertilizer, trees and shrubs, vegetables.
Garden Web
An interesting commercial site that has a variety of information related to gardening and plants.
The Garden Spider's Web
A comprehensive site where gardening information and links are available.
Quake Record of the Day
View the very latest seismographic data from earthquakes around the world at this site. Very impressive displays!

    Physical Science: Earth Science- Weather Resources

The WeatherNet offers over a hundred links to weather-related sites on the Web. The most comprehensive list on the Web.
National Weather Service
The U.S. government weather website, offering Current Weather, Climatic Data, Weather News (Public Affairs), and related weather information.
Rain Or Shine
Offers a simple way to get weather information for 800 U.S. and international cities. Provides 24 Hour weather forecast, satellite, radar image information. Also has interesting weather facts for the date in history.
The Weather Underground
Quick weather information for the world is available from this popular website. Click on a map for information on a state's weather and forecasts, or click and go to another country, region, or continent. Offers a searcher that will "Find the Weather for any City, State or Zipcode, or Country."
Yahoo! Weather
Yahoo! organizes a wide variety of weather information and services. Check the weather by ZipCode, get ski reports, weather maps and images, storm information, and other similar weather data.
Lycos Weather
A general starting place to find weather information for cities and countries the world. Click on a map, or enter the name of a city to obtain information.
The Daily Planet
Lots of weather information from the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Illinois. Includes hypermedia instructional modules on how to understand meteorology.
WXP: The Weather Processor
"WXP is a software package developed at Purdue University which is a general purpose weather visualization tool for current, forecasted and archived meteorological data." Offers analyses and forecasts through a variety of viewpoints and data displays.
A variety of weather information on the U.S. and the world, from the MSNBC network. Includes sections with ski reports, national parks, weather & health, and an almanac which provides historical weather information.
Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey
"NRL Monterey is the only scientific center in the Navy wholly dedicated to atmospheric research; conducting research and development to provide objective local, regional, and global atmospheric analysis and prediction as well as the development of automated weather interpretation systems; that is, the effect of atmospheric changes on naval communications and weapons systems."

   Physical Science: Environmental Science Resources

Search the EnviroLink Library
EnviroLink Library is a comprehensive resource of environmental information on the Internet. Information is grouped under subjects within each main area of the Library. This link allows users to search this library by subjects and key words.
EnviroLink Library, Alphabetical index
EnviroLink Library is a comprehensive resource of environmental information on the Internet. Information is grouped under subjects within each main area of the Library. This link shows subjects in alphabetical order.
Search RACHEL's Environment and Health Weekly
A search engine which allows you to search the past issues of a weekly environmental magazine that covers a wide variety of topics. Enter the topic or phrase you need information about, and a list of past magazines will be displayed. Click on any that you want to read to have them displayed.
Endangered Species: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service offers a lot of information about endangered species, including the official list of protected species (both plants and animals) and answers to frequently asked questions.
Best Practices Database
Learn here how various organizations have helped move modern society toward an "ecological utopia." The urban solutions database addresses many issues of concern. Common areas are divided by Project Category, and then further by sub-category. Each organization submitting a record to the database was asked to choose up to three main categories from the list. Within the main categories, they could choose as many sub-categories that applied.
Renew America Environmental Success Index
The Environmental Success Index may be searched on several criteria. To find entries that interest you, enter a City or State in the appropriate field below, or select an entry from one of the other fields. Then, click the "Search" button. You may narrow your search by entering more than one selection, for example, your state, and the Program Focus in which you are interested.

   Physical Science: Physics and Physicists

Circles of Light: The Mathematics of Rainbows
How are rainbows formed? Why do they only occur when the sun is behind the observer? If the sun is low on the horizon, at what angle in the sky should we expect to see a rainbow? This lab helps to answer these and other questions by examining a mathematical model of light passing through a water droplet.
MathMol (Mathematics and Molecules) is designed to serve as an introductory starting point for those interested in the field of molecular modeling. Includes online hyper media textbooks for both elementary and high school students. Nicely illustrated and easy to use.
Exhibits and Online Source Materials for History of Physics and Allied Sciences
Find presentations on people, events and discoveries in Physics and other related areas of science, which are linked from here.
Physics 2000
Physics 2000 is a place to have fun learning visually and interactively about physics and familiar high-tech devices. Discover the impacts of Einstein and other early 20th-century physicists on modern technology, and enter the exotic world of quantum physics. Plus lots more....
Scientific Investigations
A collection of experiments reported online, with graphics. Includes: Classical Mechanics, Rotational Mecahnics, Sports Related Mechanics, Astrophysics, Numerical Techniques for Mechanics, Fluids, and Misc.
Physics Journals
Yahoo offers a collection of physics journals online. Choose those that sound interestiung to you, and click to go there.
Nobel Laureates in Physics 1901 - 1996
This page is a service of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Library. It contains a list in reverse chronological order of the award winners with brief biographical information and a description of the discovery taken from the Nobel Foundation's text describing each Laureate's discovery and other sources.
Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics
A documented archive of information about women who have made original and important contributions to physics this century through 1975.
Emilio Segrh Visual Archives (Physics)
The collection focuses on American physicists and astronomers of the twentieth century, but includes many scientists in Europe and elsewhere, in other fields related to physics, and in earlier times.
The Center for History of Physics
Their mission is to preserve and make known the history of modern physics and allied sciences including astronomy, geophysics, optics, and the like. Note their online exhibits about Einstend and the Discovery of the Electron, and biographical data in the visual archives from physics.
Discovery of the Electron
Colorful and informative exhibition on the history of the electron, from the American Institute of Physics.
Einstein: Image and Impact
Award-winning exhibition on Albert Einstein's life and discoveries, from the American Institute of Physics.
Physics 109N: Galileo and Einstein
Online notes and links for Physics course at the University of Virginia. "The course explores two revolutions in our perception of the universe."

Anatomy and Physiology

Online Muscle Atlas
Human Anatomy On-line (Requires Java)
The Visible Human Project
Digital Anatomist Interactive Atlases
General Pathology (Includes Images)
Organ System Pathology (Includes Images)
Pathology Tutorial Menu (Includes Images)


General: Museums and Exhibitions of Science

The Exploratorium
Home page of the famous San Francisco Exploratorium.
The Franklin Institute Science Museum
This virtual museum brings the exhibits, resources, and fun of a museum visit right to you. It's not quite the real thing, but a visit should satisfy your yearning for learning about science. It includes lots of links to other Web science sites. Wander, wonder, and just have fun!
Field Museum
The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, Illinois, is an educational institution concerned with the diversity and relationships in nature and among cultures. It provides collection-based research and learning for greater public understanding and appreciation of the world in which we live.
PhotoNet at CalTech
The PhotoNet is a database of several thousand images on the history of science; contains many photos of eminent scientists who have been associated with the Institute during its more than one hundred year history, as well as images on the diverse history of science in America during the twentieth century.
Science for the Millennium
A striking, beautifully designed online "virtual" museum. The exhibits range from Einstein to computers, from physics to biotechnology. Worth a visit just to see the superb graphics!
The Worldwide Museum of Natural History
Wide variety of information on the natural world, especially for geology and related fields.
The American Museum of Natural History
Many of these exhibitions here consist of objects and specimens not only from the American Museum of Natural History's own collections, but from museums and private collections from the world over, gathered together to tell a story of discovery and knowledge in the most compelling way possible.

        General Exhibitions: Inventions and Inventors

Invention Dimension
The Invention Dimension highlights a different American inventor every week with a biographical sketch covering his or her accomplishments and their impact on society. Also an extensive list of related links to invention and innovation sites on the Web.
National Inventors' Hall of Fame
Find inventors or inventions that have been recognized for their great contributions to science and technology. Browse by: The Inventors (alphabetical indexor by date of induction), or by Index of Inventions.
American Inventors and Inventions
An exhibit from the Smithsonian Institution features stories about a number of  important Americans inventions.
Innovative Lives
Background and biograpghical information on living inventors, provided by the Smithsonian Institution.
Links to a wide variety of information about inventors. You will want to click on the topics: Historical Inventors or Historical Inventions.
British Inventors, Scientists and Engineers
Brief, informative articles from the Spartacus Encyclopedia. Most biographees are from England, and influenced the Industrial Revolution with their works.
African Americans in the Sciences
Profiled here are African American men and women who have contributed to the advancement of science and engineering. Scroll down to their "Inventors" section.
Wacky Inventions
Some of the rather unusual invention patents are featured here. Please note: past months are still available at the bottom of the page.
Nineteenth Century Scientific American
Selected issues of Scientific American magazine of 1845 are available online, including a section which gives a list of invention patents awarded.

Egg Experiment

 Virtual Bird ExhibitionTopics
                            Bird facts and inofrmation > subtopics > anatomy > egg - A Virtual Exhibit

 Structure of the bird egg
                            Nests and eggs>hard-shelled eggs

Structure of the chicken egg
Nutritional value of eggs
The properties of vinegar
Uses of vinegar in the home
Chemical and physical properties of water
Science of water
History of food coloring
Function and structure of the cell membrane
Salt water and the cell membrane

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