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It is Oak School’s mission to ensure high levels of learning for all students. Every day we respectfully collaborate to develop confident, resilient, joyful learners who care about the Oak School community and become responsible citizens.
Every day, we collaborate to develop academic and social/emotional skills in all students, striving to build a strong, lifelong foundation for living is Oak’s Vision.
Welcome to Oak Avenue School!
My name is Kimberly Attell and I have the honor of being the principal at Oak Avenue. There are so many wonderful things to share with you about being an Oak Cougar. Oak students are supported by an active Parent Teacher Association (PTA) that provides funding for everything from technology upgrades and furniture to professional development and sports equipment. The Los Altos Education Foundation, LAEF, serves our entire district, and further supports Oak through instructional support staff and enrichment programs like art, music, physical education, gardening, and more. Oak also maintains close ties with the neighboring high school (MVLA), which visits twice a year to delight our students with a musical performance.
Oak’s many strong traditions are an integral part of our identity. Events like the International Festival, Spooktacular, Walk-a-thon, and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Expo, are highly-anticipated by staff, students, and community members alike. Students of all grade levels enjoy working with buddy classes throughout the year and having a blast at Field Day in June. Multiple grade levels perform annual musicals, while fourth and sixth grade classes go on annual overnight trips to Coloma and Walden West Outdoor School.
While these events are a source of pride, academic excellence is also of the highest priority. Toward that end, our teachers collaborate in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to ensure success for every student. In addition, our entire staff has participated in either Responsive Classroom training, PLC training, or both. Strong partnerships between classroom teachers and a gifted array of specialized professionals and instructional aides have allowed us to achieve amazing educational goals, with 92% of students performing on or above grade level in English Language Arts and Mathematics during the 2018 academic year.
In support of developing the whole child, Oak proudly participates in several social-emotional programs to help students be their best selves and thrive as members of their community. Responsive Classroom methods are used daily to teach team building, cooperation, respect, and self-control. Oak is also an active Project Cornerstone school, providing valuable life lessons to our students through carefully chosen picture books and activities. Common language for problem solving and communicating feelings is used across grade levels, and parent engagement is high in the form of volunteer readers and class leaders. Additionally, Oak partners with the Community Health Awareness Council (CHAC) to allow students and staff access to counselors, who are on campus every day.
Oak has had the honor of winning the Distinguished School title in 1989 and 2020, as well as, the National Blue Ribbon in 2012. While our campus has grown and students can no longer walk home for lunch like in the ‘60s, Oak Avenue Elementary has never wavered in its dedication to fostering a safe, rigorous, and idyllic environment in which children can thrive.
I look forward to getting to know you and your family in the coming year. We are glad you are making Oak Avenue part of your home for your child.
Very truly yours,
Kimberly Attell
Oak Avenue Elementary School
3/6/25 5:32 AM